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DSA Scrabble Keycap Set by Clackeys

DSA Scrabble Keycap Set by Clackeys

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Frequently bought together:
Scrabble Desk Mat by Clackeys

Jan 13, 2023
Welcome to DSA Scrabble! This might look familiar to you. In case you missed it in the past, back in 2018, I designed XDA Scrabble and released it alongside Drop, where word game and keyboard enthusiasts everywhere came together to make beautiful keebs. I've wanted to do a re-run of Scrabble keycaps for a few years now, but with the pandemic, staff changes at both Drop and Hasbro, and general licensing struggles, it was not an easy process. Enter Clackeys! Their team reached out to me asking about my designs in summer 2021, and my hopes were raised once again. They loved the previous version of Scrabble keycaps, and were wildly creative with ideas about packaging and artisans and extras. I was stoked, and they've been lovely to work with! Okay, enough backstory, here's the nitty gritty: Officially licensed Scrabble keycaps are back, in a DSA profile, with one large, beautiful kit, designed by yours truly! There's also desk mats, here! Clackeys has been a pleasure to work with, and the quality assurance on the keycaps has been great to see (these are produced by IFK and are dyesub, and went through multiple rounds of testing). The base kit should cover most boards you'll want to use (including ortho), the legends are crisp, and the colors are vibrant! All of the images you see in the product pages are actual photos, not renders.
This is where Drop should have more kit photos, yes, and also the original pre-order sale on Clackeys was much cheaper 😅
Jan 30, 2023
The sooner we accept that the days that Drop offered compatibility with separate alpha and mod kits are long gone, the less annoyed we get. It's indeed about min-maxing profits and if you aren't a general ANSI 60/TKL/full size board user, you're not going to find compatibility anymore. Let alone any keyboard layout not sold by Drop. And there's not even a thought for Colevrak kits, even though that could have been solved by adding just four homing keys. Hell, they didn't even bother to support Planck or Preonic this time. Any GB that runs without a public IC will thread this same path. I don't think I've bought a keycap set from Drop since MT3 Godspeed R1. XDA Canvas is running again, but I can see some of the same shortcuts taken there.
May 15, 2023
I requested a refund as per cancellations policy page: and Liz from Customer support just replied with some comments that are unrelated to their supposedly cancellations eligibility options: ********************************** ********************************** Liz (Drop Community Support) May 15, 2023, 11:47 AM PDT Hello Edgar,   Liz here, thanks for your patience here. Again, we apologize for the shipping delay thus far.   Upon review of the run and order details, despite the shipping delay, we are unable to cancel this order. This is due to the run being shipped directly from the vendor as a "dropship".    Our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. With regards, Liz from Drop Community Support ********************************** ********************************** Typical Drop support!!! This needs to be escalated as you just sent email earlier today about a clear delay of at least 30 days in both the keycaps and the mat!! Seems Drop will not even stand by their providers, let alone their customers!!
May 27, 2023
eesparzaYeah, if there’s going to be a fundamental difference in how Drop handles products it’s shipping versus those where it’s just collecting orders for the vendor, Drop needs to be explicit both about when that’s the case and how that impacts its policies. As it is, the linked help page doesn’t indicate a distinct policy for ANY orders placed through Drop, and the product page doesn’t appear to, either.
Mar 2, 2023
What a shame I missed out on this. Drop literally dropped off the face of the earth for me after everything's been homogenized. Because, you know, even if you've requested something as far back as this, Drop doesn't notify you that it's back anyway. Having obtained coveted keycap sets like the Skull Squadron and Danger Zone, I think Noctua in Chromax when that releases, and this Scrabble set are the last sets I would ever consider getting before retiring from mechanical keyboards forever. What an absolute shame... It'll probably never come back again either. At least I have what I have I guess!
Mar 2, 2023
DEADicationChromax was canceled
Mar 7, 2023
HarvestDayFor effin' real? Guess I'll consider myself retired then. Though it is still available on Clackeys is it not? Might just have to get it there.
Feb 5, 2023
Man thats depressing, I was waiting for this to come back for so long and then just realized this was from 3 weeks ago and i never got a notification. Will there be any extra's for sale after the others ship out? Or are they just going to be found on ebay and mech market for 300% markup?
PhlookeYou can still get it on Clackeys!
Jan 20, 2023
Why no novelties kit? 😞 I just want the updated Scrabble key
Jan 16, 2023
I really wish there was a planck / ortholinear kit of this :( As it stands, the base kit doesn't really work too well with ortho keyboards. I've tried to see what could be done with a base kit + num kit combo, and here's what I came up with (yellow OLKB planck; the picture looks very hazy because I took some shortcuts tracing the image and re-arranging the keys, but it was enough to give me a general idea. Bottom left column is "ins", "esc (pink)", "word" and "play", bottom right column is: "del", "(pink star)", "word", "play" ).
Would love to hear your thoughts.
Jan 13, 2023
Scrabble: a game never, ever played in countries with ISO layouts
HarvestDayThat was a licensing limitation, I'm sorry 😭
Jan 13, 2023
Jan 13, 2023
Anyone know which board that is in the pictures? The one with the gold decal on the bottom left corner?
Jan 13, 2023
mc123456It says on the badge - CA66
Jan 17, 2023
mc123456you can also check out the pc66 by vortex if you are on a budget.
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